Food News


What to buy in Lidl – and what to avoid

When Lidl launched in the UK in 1994, a shopping trip was like going abroad. The unfamiliar brands, the Germanic styling, the multilingual labels. It was all so foreign. Then there was the unapologetic presentation – the pallets stacked with boxes, the lack of choice (one kind of tinned tomatoes, while Sainsburys might have six or more), the scant ...

Living on Lanzarote: advantages, cost of living and why choose it

The island of Lanzarote emerges from the Atlantic Ocean as a unique enclave, a land of contrasts where volcanic nature combines with serene beaches and an excellent climate. Deciding to live on Lanzarote is opting for a particular lifestyle, in which the environment's calm and beauty play a leading role.

How to master festival dressing in midlife

Festival season is upon us, which is marvellous news for those who like festivals, and less marvellous news for those who like live music, al fresco drinking and fresh air, but whose stomach churns at the thought of the camping part. If only there was a way to experience the good bits without recourse to the bad. And there is – it’s called a day ti...

We cut our energy bills in half with a beautiful home refurb that anyone can do

The family-of-four slashed their energy costs 'with a beautiful and ambitious refurb' - and they're offering tours of their new home

We are all addicted to something: How to identify the secret addictions in your life

Psychotherapist Talitha Fosh, author of new book Hooked – Why We Are Addicted and How To Break Free, outlines how to learn new healthier, habits

This Guy Lost 80 Pounds and Gained Discipline Through Yoga

Zach Wolf never thought he'd be in a yoga studio in the first place

All the best celebrity style this month so far

Who wore what, from Sienna Miller to Lily Collins

Urban gardeners better at helping to revive nature than rural counterparts

Study finds you 'get a better return on your investment' by making a city garden more insect-friendly than you do a country garden

What is combination cholesterol therapy, as study suggests it could save lives?

What is combination cholesterol therapy, as study suggests it could save lives? - Researchers say thousands of lives could be changed every year.

Living in Castellon: what it's like, best areas and cost of living

Discovering Castellon is entering a province that offers an ideal quality of life, with a perfect balance between peaceful beaches and vibrant city life. Suppose you're considering making Castellon your new home or you're simply interested in learning more about this gem in east Spanish, this article will provide you with valuable information about what it's like to live in Castellon, the best areas to live and the cost of living.

10 most relaxing places to live in the UK revealed

'It feels like home': The Victorian house renovation bringing a sense of Sri Lanka to Peckham

'It feels like home': The Victorian house renovation bringing a sense of Sri Lanka to Peckham - A sense of connection with his native Sri Lanka was the unusual brief from tech entrepreneur Puli Liyanagama for his Victorian house in south London

Calorie-starving slowed down my metabolism – this is what I did to lose a stone

This time last year I was feeling really depressed about my weight. In the previous 18 months, I’d put on a huge amount, mainly on my stomach, and because I’m short – just over 5’1” –  I looked pregnant. But I was at a total loss about what to do about it; I felt like I ate relatively healthily, opting for low-calorie meals and often avoiding carbs...

What it’s really like to live in the Cotswolds

Once best known for its rolling hills and honey-coloured stone, the Cotswolds has become the manicured, eye-wateringly expensive country playground of the famous and seriously rich. This world of posh farm shops, multi-million-pound mansions and whippet-thin women is satirised in Wives Like Us, a new novel out this month by Plum Sykes. The newest r...

'I'm renting until I go on tour with Coldplay': Meet the people making the most of London's co-living boom

'I'm renting until I go on tour with Coldplay': Meet the people making the most of London's co-living boom - Convenience, co-habiting with strangers and compact rooms — is co-living the answer to the capital’s spiralling rental crisis?

What you can do now to prevent a stroke in the future, according to doctors

What you can do now to prevent a stroke in the future, according to doctors - How to lower your stroke risk at every age

Burnt out at work? Become a tradie to reduce your stress levels

The least - and most stressful - jobs have been ranked.

‘I earn £500 a month, and my parents feed me every day – this is how I spend my money’

Email [email protected] if you would like to take part in How I Spend My Money. All our subjects are genuine but anonymous. As a 17-year-old college student earning around £500 per month from my part-time job, trying to manage my finances can be a challenge. One of the struggles is how little time you actually have to make money when most days ...

Healthy eating, physical activity, and medication: Type 2 diabetes patients' willingness to engage varies

By Dr. Liji Thomas, MD Type 2 diabetes (T2D) may occur as a result of unhealthy lifestyle habits. People with T2D are often associated with diets with excessive sugar, high alcohol consumption, smoking, and have sedentary habits. This has sparked much interest in determining the optimal lifes...

Santani Wellness, Kandy: is this the world's best health retreat?

Santani Wellness, Kandy: is this the world's best health retreat? - Solo traveller Lydia Swinscoe finds something close to paradise in Sri Lanka’s ethereal mountain range, where Santani combines gruelling yoga with Ayurveda medicine treatments administered in a jungle-view spa

In the gym with Katie Boulter: how a tennis champion stays at the top of her game

The British women's number one player reveals all...

Your skin continues to burn for hours after sun exposure

Bid adieu to painful peeling skin this summer

Foods that slow brain aging and how to incorporate them in your diet

A new study has shown that specific nutrients, similar to those found in the Mediterranean diet, can play a crucial role in slowing brain aging, according to Healthline. Foods that slow brain aging Scientists have found that fatty fish should be included in your diet. "Fatty fish, like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and trout, are rich in omega-3 fatt...

Fat people are not doomed to heart attacks and strokes

Being fat does not condemn you to increased risk of heart attacks and strokes as long as you shed the pounds quickly, a Harvard study has found. Findings presented at Endo 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, showed people under the age of 50 who have been obese for a decade are at greater risk of heart attack or s...

My husband finds life easy, and ‘corrects’ me because I don’t

The question I am mid-40s and married. My husband is good at dealing with life. He never worries, is never insecure, always positive, has unlimited energy and always has a solution for everything. He deals with our kids seemingly without effort, doesn’t set many rules and never worries if they eat enough vegetables or go to bed too late. Everything is a breeze; rules are to be broken and life must be enjoyed. I am not like that. I like to abide...

Healthy diet mitigates type 2 diabetes risk across genetic profiles

A healthy diet that adheres to nutrition recommendations is associated with better blood glucose levels and a lower risk of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, a new study from the University of Eastern Finland shows. This association was observed also in individuals with a high genetic predisposit...

Taylor Swift takes the Cotswolds: a local's guide to the chicest spots

Taylor Swift takes the Cotswolds: a local's guide to the chicest spots - As Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce pinpoint Chipping Norton as their UK base, Maddy Mussen taps up insider Plum Sykes for her little black book of super-rich hangouts

Scientists say humans should eat like a salmon to get essential nutrients

Scientists say humans should eat like a salmon to get essential nutrients - Directly eating more wild feed species could have health benefits, researchers suggest

I used to live on takeaways, now I’m a 51-year-old bodybuilder

Sarah Davies, 51, is not your average bodybuilder. The mother of one, who works full-time, picked up her intense training routine in midlife and “fell into it by accident”, she says. “I’d struggled with my weight from when I left school and discovered alcohol, boys and Chinese takeaways,” she says. “Throughout my 20s and 30s, I did all kinds of car...

I knew I had to give up drinking when my daughter asked ‘why is mummy behaving so strangely?’

I’m pretty sure I gravitated towards a career in advertising because of the heavy drinking lifestyle, although I now think that whatever industry I’d found myself in, I’d have been a drinker, because alcohol gave me the social confidence I lacked. My first foray was trying cider when I was 15 and drinking with my then-boyfriend who was older than m...

The DIY addicts creating their perfect home – and saving over £50,000

Some women buy their husbands watches or aftershave as presents. But knowing how much he loves DIY, Tim Mulhall’s wife bought him a dilapidated vintage train carriage, thinking it would be ideal to convert into a micro-Airbnb. “Clearly I was running out of projects, so my wife found a local farmer who had all of these old railway wagons in his fiel...

Eating breakfast at this time could reduce heart disease risk

A French study suggests that eating breakfast and supper an hour earlier may reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. This research emphasizes the importance of meal timing for cardiovascular health, according to The Telegraph. The study found that having breakfast at 8 am instead of 9 am decreases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by...

Maya Jama on her skincare routine, social media habits and nurturing friendships

The Love Island presenter spills on her wellness regime

Small steps towards sustainable gardens

While it is good news that a sustainable garden has won a prize at Chelsea flower show (Garden with terracotta 3D-print bricks wins Chelsea flower show green medal, 20 May), surely all of the gardens should be environmentally sustainable? Otherwise what are we saying, that you can garden either way? This is ludicrous, given the vital need to stop doing anything unsustainable. Dr Jennifer Poole Romsey, Hampshire . A garden made from 3D-printed...

14 things Brits living in the US miss most about the UK

A moment that changed me: I was divorced, broke and alone – but I turned my life around with a list

The silence in the flat was deafening. Having lost almost everything in my divorce, it was now just me in a basement studio flat with black mould. I had no TV, no sofa and the wifi wasn’t set up. I sat at a cheap folding table and made a list. Since my life was no longer going to be the way I had planned – marriage, kids, a dog, a late-Victorian terrace in a country town – I was going to try something else. I was going to do all the things on my...

I went solo travelling in my 60s - here's what it taught me

Eager to discover the real Italy, Lorna Jackson, 72, went on a three-month solo exploration. Speaking to GH, she shares the life lessons that she returned home with.

People should adopt ‘old-fashioned’ ways of staying healthy – Sir Chris Whitty

Making it easy and attractive for people to exercise is one of the most effective ways of maintaining independence, the Chief Medical Officer said.

Lily Collins debuts a bob: 5 other celebrity haircuts to inspire your next chop

Lily Collins debuts a bob: 5 other celebrity haircuts to inspire your next chop - Take notes from these stellar celeb looks.

10 science-backed ways to reverse your biological age

Could the UK learn from the world's happiest country when it comes to work-life balance?

Is this something UK businesses could do?

A moment that changed me: I thought fitness was my superpower. Then I realised it was a ball and chain

I have Jane Fonda to thank for my fitness “discovery” in the late 1980s. Still in my teens, I wore through the carpet doing her workout videos in front of the TV. I also spent hours ploughing up and down the pool at the local leisure centre and honing my muscles at the gym. I always regarded fitness as my superpower. Something that I worked hard at, for sure, but something that gave me kudos. Keeping fit – I mean, really fit – seemed to me an...

Study reveals individual differences in fasting-induced ketosis and its health benefits

By Tarun Sai Lomte In a recent study published in the journal Nutrients , researchers examined the dynamics of fasting-induced ketosis. Long-term fasting is a potent non-pharmacologic intervention for chronic disease prevention and management. It normalizes glucose and lipid metabolism, re...

'I'm 45, and this 12-week exercise programme changed my body (and life!)'

'I love being able to see what my body could do'

Don’t quit booze – just drink differently: 15 ways to change your life without trying all that hard

1. Don’t give up alcohol – experiment with drinking differently Dr Richard Piper, CEO of Alcohol Change UK The most important thing with alcohol is to get into a situation where you are happy with your drinking. I used to be a very heavy drinker: 60-90 units a week. I can’t tell you how life-changing cutting down has been. To me, life is in colour without drinking, whereas before it was very grey and drab. I would encourage a sense of...

How many litres of water should you drink a day?

Spoiler alert: It's more than you think...

Over a quarter of people are breaking this important coffee rule

Habits that destroy our mental health

There are certain psychological habits that often prevent us from living fully and feeling ourselves. They destroy us from within and affect our health and quality of life, according to Mentoly. Contradicting one's own feelings Denying or avoiding one's own emotions can lead to a deterioration of mental health and depression. Advice: Allow yourself...

The ‘island of immortals’ where residents regularly live past 100

How to tell if you’re a social media addict

How to tell if you’re a social media addict - LET’S UNPACK THAT: More than half of Gen Z believe they have a problem when it comes to scrolling, with an increasing number seeking professional help. Helen Coffey investigates what effects being constantly online can have on our mental health and asks the experts how to break the cycle