Every men's skincare routine should consist of three simple steps: cleanse, moisturise, and protect. The best products for you will vary depending on your skin type, but the fundamental advice remains the same for all: start with the basics first.

It needn't be overly expensive, either―cost doesn't necessarily equal results with skincare. What really matters is using the right products, in the correct order, consistently. To help explain how, we asked two skincare experts to run us through their tips for creating a simple, but tailored, daily skincare routine for men.

Identifying Your Skin Type

Before you even think of hitting 'buy now', you need to figure out your skin type. To do this, Dr Matthew Jarvie-Thomas, cosmetic practitioner of The Cosmetic Skin Clinic, says you should begin by washing your face and removing any products you may already have on. Then wait for 30 minutes.

'After this time, examine your skin,' he says. 'If you have dry skin, the skin will have dry, flakey areas and may feel tight. If you have oily skin, it will look shiny. If you have sensitive skin, it could be red or irritated. Combination skin will be a mixture of oily and dry.'

So why is this important? You essentially want to avoid aggravating your skin by choosing a product that's not designed for your skin type. Here's what to do depending on how your skin reacts.

Oily skin

Men with acne-prone or oily skin should look for products with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide which will help control excess sebum (oil) production and soothe inflammation, says Jarvie-Thomas.

Dry skin

If you have dry skin, he recommends products that offer more intensive hydration. Products that include hyaluronic acid will help this this.

Sensitive skin

This isn't a skin type as such, but a skin condition. His advice is to keep your routine simple and to introduce products and ingredients one at a time so you can identify what works and what doesn't.

Step 1 – Cleanse

Cleansing should always be your first point of call, day and night. That's because cleansers strip the skin of sweat, bacteria and previously applied products, says Jarvie-Thomas. 'Applying active ingredients to freshly-cleaned skin means you get more bang for your buck from your other products, too.'

If you have oily skin, Gregor Jaspers, founder of The Grey Men’s Skincare, recommends opting for a 'deep pore cleansing face wash with active charcoal'. For dry skin, choose 'a gentle cleanser with restoring ingredients like vitamin E, repairing oils, squalane and other kinds of moisture and repairing actives'.

Step 2 – Moisturise

Next up: moisturising. Both our experts recommend doing this twice a day to keep your skin hydrated and nourished. 'The thing to remember is that a face cream will only work if you use it consistently, so every morning and every evening day in and day out,' says Jaspers. 'That is what a proper routine looks like.'

Step 3 – Protect

The final step in any skincare routine, you should always finish by protecting your skin with an SPF that's at least factor 30. 'This is crucial,' says Jarvie-Thomas. 'You should be using an SPF every day, even in the winter. It will protect your skin both from the signs of ageing but also sun damage and skin cancer. Find something that is easy to apply and doesn't make your skin feel congested.'

And by SPF, Jaspers points out that this means a dedicated face sunscreen, not a moisturiser with added SPF. 'I am not a big fan of these products as the level of protection is often too low,' he says. 'The active ingredients in face creams don't always like the SPF filters.'

When choosing one, Jaspers recommends a 'light, non-residue-leaving, fragrance-free SPF formulated especially for the face'. SPF is the 'most powerful product in your skincare routine', he adds.

Expanding Your Routine

These three steps constitute the bare minimum that every skincare routine should include. Once nailed, there's plenty to experiment with, says Jaspers. 'See how this works, then slowly add some extra steps. Don't go overboard and buy 10 different things immediately. Instead, gradually add on products one at a time.' Here's how:


The first step you could consider adding to your routine is exfoliating. Do this two or three times a week and it'll 'remove any dead skin cells, excess dirt and sebum', which will contribute to a brighter and smoother appearance, says Jarvie-Thomas. And remember, chemical exfoliators are more effective and gentle than exfoliating scrubs.


This is where you can begin to experiment. Introducing a serum is an ideal starting point, says Jaspers. 'Serums penetrate deeper into the skin and therefore can address specific skin problems like ant-ageing.'

You'll want to apply a serum after cleansing (and exfoliating), says Jaspers. That way it'll be able to penetrate even deeper into the skin.

There's all manner of serums to pick from, but vitamin-C is a sound starting point, says Jarvie-Thomas. That's because it's 'a powerful antioxidant and, alongside SPF, it protects your skin from damage from UV radiation'. He says it can also help to treat pigmentation and give your skin a healthier glow.

Face masks

Face masks have bit of a reputation for not being the most masculine of skincare tools, but they're nonetheless a worthwhile step.

'Look into a mask every once or twice a week and pamper yourself with a mask,' says Jaspers. 'Again based on your skin type. Go for a hydrating, moisture-rich sheet mask if you have dry skin, and for oily skin, look for a purifying clay mask to deep clean.'

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