
A moment that changed me: I thought fitness was my superpower. Then I realised it was a ball and chain

I have Jane Fonda to thank for my fitness “discovery” in the late 1980s. Still in my teens, I wore through the carpet doing her workout videos in front of the TV. I also spent hours ploughing up and down the pool at the local leisure centre and honing my muscles at the gym. I always regarded fitness as my superpower. Something that I worked hard at, for sure, but something that gave me kudos. Keeping fit – I mean, really fit – seemed to me an...

Butter yellow athleisure is all I want to wear in this heat: 9 picks that prove it’s the it shade of the summer

Tried and tested by team MC

I never know what to do with my long hair, but since getting the 'concave cut' my daily styling routine has been so much easier

I'll never get 'just a trim' ever again

Bells, top hats and face paint: why this English tradition refuses to go extinct

'We’re still all dancing today.'

Brooke Shields wears Crocs to the red carpet – but can they ever be truly fashionable?

Rare is the household that doesn’t have a pair of Crocs lurking somewhere between the shoe basket and the cupboard under the stairs. Regardless of your opinion on their aesthetic merits, even the staunchest haters would agree that they’re pretty useful for gardening in. Or maybe – provided it’s dark, and the neighbours don’t see you – putting out t...

How to master festival dressing in midlife

Festival season is upon us, which is marvellous news for those who like festivals, and less marvellous news for those who like live music, al fresco drinking and fresh air, but whose stomach churns at the thought of the camping part. If only there was a way to experience the good bits without recourse to the bad. And there is – it’s called a day ti...

Can Alzheimer's Disease Be Reversed with a Plant Based Diet?

Dr. Dean Ornish publishes the first randomized controlled trial investigating whether a plant-based diet and lifestyle program may reverse the course of early-stage Alzheimer's disease. For more on Alzheimer’s disease, see these videos: • How Not to Age ( • Controversy Around FDA’s Approval of Biogen Alzheimer’s Drug, Aducanumab ( • Alzheimer’s and Atherosclerosis of the Brain ( • How to Prevent Alzheimer’s with Diet ( For more on Dr. Dean Ornish’s work, check out his book Undo It! ( And these videos (; for more on heart disease, see these videos ( I have more than 500 videos on plant-based diets. You can check them out here ( The best available balance of scientific evidence suggests that the healthiest way to eat is a vitamin B12-fortified ( diet centered around whole plant foods. I go into specifics of the Daily Dozen foods I recommend in Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen ( For a more thorough dive into the science on these foods, check out my New York Times bestselling book, How Not to Die ( Join our Plant-Based Living Series. This resource is a weekly email series that gives you simplified takeaways and actionable tips on healthy eating. Whether you're new to a whole food, plant-based lifestyle or would benefit from reminders on some of the key aspects of healthy evidence-based nutrition, this series is for you. Expanding on our popular Evidence-Based Eating Guide, this free series features even more tips and information, and you’ll get it delivered straight to your inbox on a weekly basis. (Don't have your own copy of our Evidence-Based Eating Guide? You can download it as a digital and printable PDF ( New subscribers to our e-newsletter always receive a free gift. Get yours here: Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it. Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics. Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution! -Michael Greger, MD FACLM Captions for this video are available in several languages; you can find yours in the video settings. View important information about our translated resources: • Subscribe: • Donate: • Podcast : • Books: • Shop: • Facebook: • Twitter: • Instagram:

This is how to 'eat for abs' – according to two nutritionists

Sooooo... are abs really built in the kitchen?

'I'm 66, walk 15k steps a day and lift heavier weights than ever'

After a decade in pain, strength training saved me.

The benefits of a daily walk

“Ten thousand steps a day.” It has become almost a religious mantra for anyone embarking on walking as an exercise routine. But you don’t need to adhere to this to feel the benefits of getting outside and stretching your legs. And this magic number has less scientific value than you’d think. It dates back to a Japanese marketing campaign from the 1...

Self-care: why looking after No 1 isn’t always best for your wellbeing

Like many people, I find that stress transforms me into a nasty combination of Oscar the Grouch and Scrooge McDuck. The more pressure I am under, the more irritable I feel – and the less generous I become. I partly blame our culture. I’ve read enough wellness advice to know that I need to prioritise my own needs over other people’s. And so, when I feel under pressure, I have often made it a habit to practise small indulgences aimed at restoring...

Couple buy old 'tired' cottage in Cheshire and convert it into stylish 'forever home'

Helen Pexton, 56, and her husband wanted a home renovation project that they could really 'get their teeth into'

We are all addicted to something: How to identify the secret addictions in your life

Psychotherapist Talitha Fosh, author of new book Hooked – Why We Are Addicted and How To Break Free, outlines how to learn new healthier, habits

Ripped mum shares how to get a six pack – and highlights mistake many make

Shannon Collins is known as The Gym Nurse on Instagram as she often posts fitness advise for her 150,000 fans – and her latest upload involved building a six-pack

Eating primarily minimally processed foods does not make for a healthy diet, study shows

A new study demonstrates that eating primarily minimally processed foods, as they are defined by the NOVA classification system, does not automatically make for a healthy diet, suggesting that the types of foods we eat may matter more than the level of processing used to make them. Comparin...

Here's how a super-slimmer from Wrexham lost eight stone which transformed her life

Helen Griffiths shed a whopping eight stone in weight going from a size 24 to a size 16 in just sixteen months, changing her life forever.

Can a 9pm bedtime cure me of my constant exhaustion?

New research found a third of people in the UK are not happy with their quality and quantity of sleep

Gregg Wallace lost 5 stone by cutting out 3 foods and no diet or gym

Gregg Wallace lost five stone in weight after being warned by his doctor that he was at risk of diabetes.

Study reveals individual differences in fasting-induced ketosis and its health benefits

By Tarun Sai Lomte In a recent study published in the journal Nutrients , researchers examined the dynamics of fasting-induced ketosis. Long-term fasting is a potent non-pharmacologic intervention for chronic disease prevention and management. It normalizes glucose and lipid metabolism, re...

Scientists discover that people who live past 90 have key differences in their blood

Centenarians have become the fastest-growing demographic group in the world, with numbers approximately doubling every 10 years since the 1970s. Many researchers have sought out the factors and contributors that determine a long and healthy life. The dissolution isn't new either, with Plato and Aristotle writing about the ageing process over 2,300 ...

12 things Americans living in the UK miss most about the US

Jamaica is a 'fly and flop' favourite but here's how to get more out of your trip

What is there to do other than sun yourself on the beach at a Jamaican all-inclusive?

The tricks stylists use to make food look fabulous

If the way to our hearts is through our stomachs, then the route to our stomachs is helped an awful lot by what we clap our eyes on. Bombarded by food advertisements plastered everywhere from billboards to bus shelters, not to mention all over our screens, we’re a nation that’s used to being lured to the table – or takeaway joint or delivery app – ...

‘I was fat, old and widowed – then I found love and lost a stone’

My world collapsed when I lost my beloved wife Kim to ovarian cancer in 2017 when she was just 59. We were happily married for 38 years and had been through so much together over the decades. The loss just felt shattering. Dealing with the grief, I stopped caring about myself, eating junk all day and drinking beer every night. Our family house just...

The 10 best Glastonbury looks of all time and how to replicate them

Our favourite fashion from the farm

Scientists say humans should eat like a salmon to get essential nutrients

Scientists say humans should eat like a salmon to get essential nutrients - Directly eating more wild feed species could have health benefits, researchers suggest

What to buy in Lidl – and what to avoid

When Lidl launched in the UK in 1994, a shopping trip was like going abroad. The unfamiliar brands, the Germanic styling, the multilingual labels. It was all so foreign. Then there was the unapologetic presentation – the pallets stacked with boxes, the lack of choice (one kind of tinned tomatoes, while Sainsburys might have six or more), the scant ...

Jane McDonald lost 2.5 stone and three dress sizes by giving up one type of food

Jane McDonald is best known for her cruise shows on Channel 5 and her incredible singing voice - but the TV star has also undergone a huge weight loss transformation

'I'm renting until I go on tour with Coldplay': Meet the people making the most of London's co-living boom

'I'm renting until I go on tour with Coldplay': Meet the people making the most of London's co-living boom - Convenience, co-habiting with strangers and compact rooms — is co-living the answer to the capital’s spiralling rental crisis?

I knew I had to give up drinking when my daughter asked ‘why is mummy behaving so strangely?’

I’m pretty sure I gravitated towards a career in advertising because of the heavy drinking lifestyle, although I now think that whatever industry I’d found myself in, I’d have been a drinker, because alcohol gave me the social confidence I lacked. My first foray was trying cider when I was 15 and drinking with my then-boyfriend who was older than m...

Eating breakfast at this time could reduce heart disease risk

A French study suggests that eating breakfast and supper an hour earlier may reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. This research emphasizes the importance of meal timing for cardiovascular health, according to The Telegraph. The study found that having breakfast at 8 am instead of 9 am decreases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by...

A moment that changed me: I was divorced, broke and alone – but I turned my life around with a list

The silence in the flat was deafening. Having lost almost everything in my divorce, it was now just me in a basement studio flat with black mould. I had no TV, no sofa and the wifi wasn’t set up. I sat at a cheap folding table and made a list. Since my life was no longer going to be the way I had planned – marriage, kids, a dog, a late-Victorian terrace in a country town – I was going to try something else. I was going to do all the things on my...

Europe’s 10 coolest neighbourhoods – and how to see them like a local

It seems that everyone wants to “live like a local” on their city breaks these days. No, we don’t mean getting up at 7am for a crowded commute to the business district, sustaining yourself on Starbucks and overpriced sandwiches, and spending the evenings watching Netflix. We mean escaping the tourist trail to discover what really makes a city tick....

Madeira's capital Funchal offers a natural retreat on the city's doorstep

Be sure to add these stops to your itinerary.

I’ve ditched city life to live in a cave – I’ll never go back

Gisbert Lippelt has swapped city life for a simple life in a cave in Italy, but there is one modern convenience he cannot do without

The ‘island of immortals’ where residents regularly live past 100

I started smoking at 14 – and reached 40 a day. A single therapy session changed my life

Smoking has warped my brain. One evening last winter, as I stood outside a pub, cigarette in hand, a friend who works in life insurance decided to calculate the chance of me dying before I hit 60 if I carried on smoking. He quizzed me about my lifestyle, plugging the answers into his death matrix. “If you give up smoking now, there’s a 6% chance you die before hitting 60. If you don’t, it’s 13%,” he concluded. Normal people will see that the...

Taylor Swift takes the Cotswolds: a local's guide to the chicest spots

Taylor Swift takes the Cotswolds: a local's guide to the chicest spots - As Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce pinpoint Chipping Norton as their UK base, Maddy Mussen taps up insider Plum Sykes for her little black book of super-rich hangouts

Heart disease decline in under-60s ‘stalled due to obesity and lack of exercise’

Heart disease decline in under-60s ‘stalled due to obesity and lack of exercise’ - Researchers assessed the trends of 10 heart conditions for the study, which included 1.65 million people.

'I'm 45, and this 12-week exercise programme changed my body (and life!)'

'I love being able to see what my body could do'

When to shower, who to hug, how to get served … 24 things we learned about the world at Glastonbury 2024

You should never flex about how much sleep you got If someone had a headache, you would never reply: “That’s funny, my head feels great.” For some reason, any mention of insomnia will unleash a chorus of: “I slept like a baby!”; “Soon as my head hit the pillow!” It’s annoying at any time, but at festivals, the sleep-deprived hit critical mass, and they will turn. If you can sleep through anything, keep quiet about it. Let your bright eyes and...

What you can do now to prevent a stroke in the future, according to doctors

What you can do now to prevent a stroke in the future, according to doctors - How to lower your stroke risk at every age

Habits that destroy our mental health

There are certain psychological habits that often prevent us from living fully and feeling ourselves. They destroy us from within and affect our health and quality of life, according to Mentoly. Contradicting one's own feelings Denying or avoiding one's own emotions can lead to a deterioration of mental health and depression. Advice: Allow yourself...

Scandi girls set the bar when it comes to healthy living – as a Health Editor, I swear by these 5 hacks

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We visit the North Wales town named among UK's best places to live - and find pros and cons

North Wales Live visits the medieval town for our own take

How many litres of water should you drink a day?

Spoiler alert: It's more than you think...

I went solo travelling in my 60s - here's what it taught me

Eager to discover the real Italy, Lorna Jackson, 72, went on a three-month solo exploration. Speaking to GH, she shares the life lessons that she returned home with.

Burnt out at work? Become a tradie to reduce your stress levels

The least - and most stressful - jobs have been ranked.

CrossFit champion Sara Sigmundsdóttir on training, rehabbing, and expressing her creativity

'I train for between six and eight hours a day, with breaks in between'

What you can do every night to prevent irritable bowel syndrome

What you can do every night to prevent irritable bowel syndrome - Study finds leading healthy lifestyle strongly linked to lower chance of developing condition